Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Banana - Dates - Grapes Milk Shake

Banana, dates and grape Milk Shake is a drink which helps to keep your body cool. When it is screeching hot, you feel like drinking some thing again and again. The moisture in the body dries up quick due to heat. This drink helps to keep your body cool and it is a healthy drink too. I have used dates, banana, grapes and little honey to add the sweet taste.
Lets see some benefits of having dates in our diet.
Dates give relief from constipation, intestinal disorder, heart problem and anemia. Dates are good for gaining weight also. They are rich in vitamins, minerals and fiber. It contain calcium, sulfur, iron, potassium, phosphorous, manganese, copper and magnesium and they are beneficial for health. Eating a date is necessary for balanced and healthy diet.
Lets see the recipe now

Things Needed :

Banana : ( ripen) : 2
Dates : 6 to 8
Grapes : 8 to 10 or more
Honey : 1 Tablespoon
Milk Powder : 1 Table spoon ( or fresh milk 1/2 Cup)

Method :

1. Remove the skin of banana and remove the seeds from dates.
2. Put all the ingredients in the mixi jar, add a cup of water and churn till they get fluffy.
3. Remove the Milk shake from the mix jar.
4. Add water if required and serve.
Note : It should not be very thick or thin. You can add more milk to it. You can also add cardamom while grinding. Adding ice cube is optional.
Serves : 2
Time : 10 minutes.

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My name is Nalini Somayaji. Teaching is my profession. Cooking is my passion. Reading, travelling, visiting new places, having fun with kids are some of the hobbies I can say. My recipes are Healthy, quick, easy and simple. Grown up being a traditional family member I love and respect Indian culture and traditions. Love classical dance and music.
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