Monday, January 25, 2016

Goose berry - Lemon Rice

Goose berry Lemon rice is a simple Rice dish. Not much of ingredients is needed. Indian goose berry is available around the year now a days. But it is better to buy during its season. It will be more fresh and juicy.

All you need is cooked rice, lemon, goose berry and some spices. If cooked rice is ready it is very easy to prepare. We can have Goose berry and lemon Rice for breakfast, lunch or dinner. ( rice dish is prepared for breakfast in most of the houses in Karnataka). It is good for parties, festivals and one pot meal or kitty party. We can have it for brunch (breakfast + lunch ) for a lazy Sunday. Perfect for festival celebration.
Lets see some benefits of using Lemon in our diet.
Lemon has strong antibacterial, antiviral and immune boosting powers. It is good for weight loss and juice is a digestive aid and liver cleanser. They contain good medicinal value and used in treating throat infections, indigestion, constipation, dental problem, internal bleeding, obesity, respiratory disorders, cholera and high blood pressure. Lemons are used in hair and skin care. It is also considered as blood purifier. Lemon juice is useful for treating kidney stones, reducing strokes and as refreshing drink. Lemon drink helps to relax  and keeps you cool.
Lemon contain  Vitamin C, Vitamin B6, Vitamin A, E, copper, calcium, iron, magnesium, potassium, zinc, phosphorus and protein. They also contain antioxidants and helps to prevent diabetes.
Now lets see the recipe; 

Things Needed :

To Cook
Raw Rice : 2 Cups
To Add
Lemon : 1
Goose berry : 2
Coconut : 1/2 Cup
Turmeric Powder : 1/4 Teaspoon
Salt : Required
For seasoning 
Oil : 2 Tablespoon
Ghee : 1 Tablespoon
Green Chilly : 2
Curry leaves : 6 to 8 or more
Coriander leaves : 2 to 3 Table spoons
Mustard seeds : 1 Teapoon
Urid dal :  1 Teaspoon
Cashew Nuts : 2 Tablespoons

Method :

1. Wash and cook rice in a pressure cooker and keep it aside.
2. Wash and cut green chilly, curry leaves, coriander leaves and keep it aside.
3. Grate coconut and goose berry and keep it aside. Extract lemon juice and keep it aside.
4. Keep a pan on the fire and heat. Add oil.
5. Add mustard seeds, urid dal. Let it splutter.
6. Add cut green chilly and curry leaves. Add cooked rice. Reduce the flame to low.
7. Add turmeric powder and salt. Mix it well.

8. Add 1/2 of grated gooseberry, lemon extract and mix it again slowly.

9. Add coconut and shift the lemon rice to a serving dish.
10. Keep a small pan on the fire and put ghee.
11.Add cashew nuts and fry till they turn golden brown.
12. Add this fried cashews and ghee to the rice mixture.
13 Top up with remaining gose berry gratings.
14.  Goose berry Lemon rice is ready to serve. Serve with a cup of curd

Note : 

Do not over cook rice.  Use little less water ( 1 cup - 2 1/2 cup of water). Use of more oil and ghee is optional. Use of more chilly is also optional. Adding coconut is also optional. Use of onions and garlic is also optional.
Time : 30 minutes. Including cooking rice. 
Serves : 4 

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My name is Nalini Somayaji. Teaching is my profession. Cooking is my passion. Reading, travelling, visiting new places, having fun with kids are some of the hobbies I can say. My recipes are Healthy, quick, easy and simple. Grown up being a traditional family member I love and respect Indian culture and traditions. Love classical dance and music.
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