Friday, May 17, 2019

Kokum Juice

Kokum / Kokam /Punar Puli/ ಮುರುಗಿನ ಓಡು is one of the savoury fruit. Kokam /Kokum /Carcinia India is a fruit bearing plant and we use this fruit in our culinary as medicine. I have used this Kokam /Punarpuli in Juice and it is very healthy to consume during hot summer and all day round the year.

I have used dried Kokum fruit, jaggery, pepper pods, and little salt. 
Kokum is known as below in different languages in India.
In Kannada it is known as : ಮುರುಗನ ಓಡು , ಮುರುಗಲ, ಪುನರ್ಪುಳಿ, 
Konkani : Birinda , Hindi  and Gujarati : Kokam, Malayalm : Punarpuli , Tulu : Punarpuli , Marati : Bhernda, Biranda, Amlaveta, Amosole  Telugu : Chinta, Bengali : Mahada, Oriya Tintali

Let us see some benefits of having Kokam /Kokum /Punarpuli in our diet.
Kokaum helps and has cooling effect properties. It helps in reducing the pitta/bile in our body.
Kokum is good for digestion. It has anti inflammation properties. It is good prevention for gastric ulcers. It also helps to ease anxiety and depression. Good for diabetes and takes care of the skin and fight against obesity. It helps to control cholesterol level in our body. It is good for weight loss. It is used to reduce the rheumatoid pain. It is rich in fiber and good for people who suffer from bowel problems. It is also good for sores and women delay menstrual problems.
Let us see the recipe Now :

Things Needed : 

Dry Kokam / Kokum /Punar Puli : 2 to 3 Dried Fruits.
Jaggery : 2 Tablespoons
Pepper Pods : 3 to 4
Salt : A pinch

Method :

1. Wash and soak dried Kokum fruits in 1/2 cup of hot water for 10 Minutes.

2. Grind those soaked Kokum with jaggery and pepper pods.

3. Sieve the content with a siever to a bowl.

4. Add a pinch of salt and mix it well.

5. Pour ready to serve kokum juice to glasses. (Adding ice cubes while serving juice is optional).

6. Serve Kokum juice.

Note :

Soaking kokum fruits helps the fruits to be soft. It is better to grind since you get the good extract.
Adding sugar or honey to juice is optional. Adding ice cubes while serving is optional. I have not done.
Time : 15 Minutes.
Serves : 3 Glasses. 

Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Tava Roasted Sweet Potato Snack

Sweet Potato is one of the healthy carbohydrate filled vegetable. It is said that eating sweet potato is good for our health. We do use sweet potato for many dishes. Here is a simple snack which fits to all aged group and good to have in the evening and believe me it is yummy. Try and enjoy this easy, quick, healthy and simple Sweet Potato Snack.

I have given the name as tava/pan roasted, because I did not use much oil. Only drizzled some oil and cooked on low flame to taste better. Try and Enjoy.
All You need is sweet potatoes, carrot, and if you are an onion lover, onion pieces and little chat masala to add some spice to the chat.

Let us see some benefits of Eating " Sweet Potato " in our diet.

Sweet Potatoes are filled with vitamins and minerals. They help to boost our immunity system. They are fiber rich. They are good for controlling diabetes and people who suffer from blood pressure. They are rich in potassium. Potatoes help to digest the food easily since they are rich in fiber and good for people who suffer from constipation. It is rich in iron and Vitamin A which is essential for hormones and fertility. Sweet Potato is filled with anti - inflammation and anti oxidant properties.
Sweet potatoes are good for eye health. They are rich in Vitamin C, Vitamin B5, Vitamin B3 Vitamin B6, manganese, magnesium and copper.
Let us see the recipe Now.
Tava Roasted Sweet Potatoes are good for kids and all the age group people. They are soft, turned crisp at the outer layer and taste yummy.

Things Needed :

Sweet Potatoes : : 2 to 3 ( Medium sized )
Carrot : 1
Onion : 1 ( Optional )
Green chutney : 1/2 Teaspoon
Coriander leaves : 1 Tablespoon
Green chilly : 1
Cooking Oil : 2 Tablespoons
Garam Masala : 1/2 Tsp
Chat Masala : 1/2 Tsp
Salt : As required :
Curd : 1/2 Cup

Method :

1. Wash and scrape out the outer layer and grate carrot and keep it aside.
2. Wash and cut green chilly and coriander leaves. Crush them with little salt. Keep it aside.

3. Remove the outer layer of onion and cut into small pieces.
4. Wash and cook sweet potatoes and remove the outer layer and cut them into small ( according to your wish).
5. Keep a pan on the fire and heat. Sprinkle some oil and place the small pieces of sweet potatoes on the pan. Roast them on low flame. Sprinkle some oil on the top.

6. Turn the other side and cook them till they turn golden brown. Sprinkle little salt, garam masala and chat masala and let it fry slowly.

7. Remove them to a plate. Repeat the same with remaining pieces.

Now Plating :

1. Without Onion :
   Take a serving plate and spread some carrots and place roasted sweet potatoes on it.
 Sprinkle some more carrots and crushed green chilly and coriander mixture. Serve.

2. With Onions :

Take a serving plate. Spread carrot gratings. Place sweet potatoes. Add carrot gratings and cut onions. Put crushed coriander - green chilly mixture.  Serve.

3. With Curd : Adding onion is optional. I have not added onions.

Take a plate and spread carrots and place roasted sweet potato pieces.
Add some carrot gratings and coriander leaves - green chilly mixture.
Add curd on the top and serve.

Note : 

Do not over cook sweet potatoes. It does not taste good. Adding more oil and shallow frying sweet potato pieces is optional.
Use of onion is optional. Sprinkle some salt on the top is optional.
Let the spice be minimum. Crushed green chilly and coriander leaves adds to the taste.
Time : 15 Minutes if you already cooked sweet potatoes. To cook sweet potatoes another 5 to 6 minutes and to cool 10 minutes.
Serves : 2 to 3 .

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My name is Nalini Somayaji. Teaching is my profession. Cooking is my passion. Reading, travelling, visiting new places, having fun with kids are some of the hobbies I can say. My recipes are Healthy, quick, easy and simple. Grown up being a traditional family member I love and respect Indian culture and traditions. Love classical dance and music.
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